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HomeBUSINESSThe Benefits of Hiring a Tax Advisor for Small Business Owners

The Benefits of Hiring a Tax Advisor for Small Business Owners

Taxes are necessary for running a business but can be stressful and time-consuming. You will save time and money by working with a pro, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your taxes are filed accurately and on time.

Plus, a qualified tax advisor will stay up-to-date on changes in legislation, allowing them to scout out deductions and small biz benefits you may have missed.

Reduce Your Tax Bill

Like most people wouldn’t fix their car or attempt a home improvement project, seeking professional assistance in filing taxes is often worth the expense. An expert tax accountant can ensure that all submissions are error-free and determine legal ways to reduce your tax bill.

A tax pro will also help you develop a comprehensive strategy to save on taxes throughout the year. This may involve identifying potential deductions, creating a user-friendly recordkeeping system, and ensuring compliance with changing regulations.

Managing a business’s bookkeeping, accounting, and tax obligations takes up time that could be better spent on other projects. Filing business taxes by Denver Tax Advisor can take the pressure of this overwhelming task off you, allowing you to focus on the growth and expansion of your company.

Save Time

Small business owners are aware that managing a company is a complex task. It would be best if you handled everything from financial paperwork to customer service, which requires you to wear several hats.

One of the biggest reasons to hire a tax advisor for your business is that they can save you time. Taxes, accounting, and other financial tasks can be time-consuming and complicated. An experienced tax professional can handle these tasks quickly and accurately.

This will give you more time to focus on your business and grow it to new heights. Moreover, hiring a tax expert will save you money in the long run, as they can help you find legal ways to reduce your taxes. Besides, you can save money on paying for payroll services, bookkeeping, and other expenses related to tax preparation. This is because the amount you pay to your tax advisor is a deductible expense.

Keep Up With the Latest Tax Regulations

A tax advisor who is always aware of new regulations can save small business owners from costly mistakes and legal trouble. They can also spot opportunities to save money on taxes that might go unnoticed.

For example, in 2022, the IRS required freelancers and 1099 contractors who made more than $600 from third-party digital platforms like Etsy, Amazon, or eBay to receive a Form 1099-K from those platforms. This was to report that income to the IRS. It could have had a negative impact on many small businesses, but the requirement was later repealed after pushback from many taxpayers and business owners.

Keeping up with these changes requires that tax professionals know how to find and use the latest research tools to answer clients’ questions quickly. Firms that provide quick, accurate answers earn client trust, credibility, and additional revenue streams. Investing in professional development opportunities such as webinars, conferences, industry-leading publications, and self-study courses from Thomson Reuters can help.

Save Money

A business tax advisor can save you money through their knowledge of tax deductions and the ability to maximize them. They can also recommend the best legal structure for your business, lowering your tax liability and making it easier to manage your company finances.

Many new business owners mistakenly believe that taxes are a once-a-year hassle they can ignore until April. However, year-round tax planning and recordkeeping are critical to maintaining compliance and lowering your business’s overall tax liability.

When searching for a business tax advisor, it’s important to find someone certified and with extensive experience handling small business taxes. They should also be familiar with your industry and able to offer advice throughout the year. It’s even better if they can spot long-term savings opportunities for your company. Make sure to ask about their pricing before hiring. 



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