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HomeBUSINESSBenefits of Using a Shuttle Service for Your Daily Commute

Benefits of Using a Shuttle Service for Your Daily Commute

Commuting to work is expensive, stressful and unhealthy. Shuttle services provide a great option to help reduce this stress and cost.

Employees can chat with colleagues, read or relax during their commute. They can also get ahead on their emails or do some work without worrying about traffic and parking.

Save Time

A shuttle service helps employees save time. The downtime that comes with a ride on a shuttle allows employees to catch up on work emails, take a quick nap, or relax and get ready to be in work mode when they arrive. Compared to the stress of driving in traffic and trying to find parking, it is no wonder that many businesses have started offering their employees shuttle services.

Employee shuttles can also help you save money in the long run. If you have a lot of employees, owning vehicles can cost your business a significant amount of money with wear and tear, unexpected repairs, rising gas prices, and more. Aspen Shuttle Service can offer direct drop-off and pick-up at each location, access to HOV lanes, and other benefits that can help reduce your commuting costs.

Employee shuttles are a great way to show your company’s commitment to supporting workers and their well-being. They can also help you increase productivity and improve your company’s bottom line.

Save Money

Driving to work comes with many hidden costs. Employees may spend extra money on gas or parking, experience wear and tear on their vehicle, or be surprised by unexpected traffic delays that lead to lost time and costly insurance claims. Providing a shuttle service for employees can help them save time, cut expenses, and reduce their environmental impact.

In addition, a shuttle service can help companies save money on their commuter benefit programs. Depending on the location, employers might be eligible for tax credits or other rebates for offering this option to their employees.

Offering shuttle services also helps employees save money by reducing stress and increasing work-life balance. Employees can use the downtime on the shuttle to rest and relax, check email, prepare for their day, or catch up on the news. This allows them to arrive at work more relaxed and ready to be productive. In addition, employees can socialize with colleagues while traveling on the shuttle, which is a great way to build community.

Save the Environment

A growing trend for many companies is offering shuttle service options for their employees. This helps to lessen the impact of individual cars burning gasoline, crowding urban streets, and taking up valuable parking areas.

In addition, a shuttle bus is a very private mode of transportation. Employees can work and socialize on the ride to and from the office without worrying about disrupting others with their noise level or personal issues. This can lead to better focus and productivity in the office.

Some of our clients run shuttle services that pick up from public transit hubs and Metro stations and provide a direct commute to the office. Others offer a roving shuttle during the day to move people between their car or the office and less crowded, off-site parking locations. These strategies can reduce congestion, support other TDM strategies, and increase transport choices.

Reduce Stress

When your employees use shuttles to travel, they can relax and unwind on their journey to the office. They can prepare themselves for their day at work, check emails or rest up so they’re ready to start the day.

Employees also won’t have to worry about driving during rush hour or figuring out where they can find parking. They can board and let the shuttle driver handle all those details!

Shuttle services are an excellent way to save money, help the environment and promote better health for your workers. But using the right technology to make your shuttle services as efficient and profitable as possible is important. Shuttle services using software to optimize routes and manage drivers can significantly reduce recurring costs and become profitable more quickly. Then, they can help their passengers save more money and reap the same benefits! 



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