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HomeBUSINESSWhich Marketing Strategies are Appropriate for Extended Decision Making?

Which Marketing Strategies are Appropriate for Extended Decision Making?

Decision-making is an integral part of any business. It involves the process of assessing options, analyzing data, and making informed decisions in order to achieve a desired outcome. Extended decision-making takes this process a step further by taking into account the long-term implications of any decision that is made. It looks at the potential opportunities and risks associated with a decision and its potential impact on the organization in the future. In this blog, we discuss the definition of extended decision-making, as well as the potential benefits of its implementation.

Here are Some Marketing Strategies

1. Traditional Marketing Strategies

Traditional marketing strategies are time-honored methods of getting the word out about your product or service. These strategies are often seen as a tried-and-true means of reaching potential customers, as they have been used successfully for decades.

Advantages of Traditional Marketing Strategies

Traditional marketing strategies include a range of proven tactics that can help you reach more customers and build trust in your brand. These strategies are typically more cost-effective than digital marketing, with the potential to reach a larger audience in a shorter amount of time. 

Traditional marketing strategies also allow you to target specific demographics more effectively. For example, you can advertise in magazines aimed at a particular age group or gender, as well as in local newspapers or radio/TV stations. This gives you the power to target people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing Strategies

Traditional marketing strategies can be slow and inefficient, as it takes time to build up awareness and trust in your brand. Additionally, it can be expensive as you have to factor in costs such as printing, design, and distribution. It’s also more difficult to measure results, as traditional marketing relies on more general metrics such as brand recognition or customer loyalty.

Examples of Traditional Marketing Strategies

Some of the most common traditional marketing strategies include TV commercials, radio ads, print ads, direct mail, trade shows, and outdoor advertising. Each of these strategies has its own benefits and drawbacks and should be chosen based on the goals of your campaign.

TV commercials can be expensive and require a large production budget, but they are also a powerful way to reach a wide audience.

Radio ads are cost-effective and can be targeted to specific demographics, but they may not be as effective as TV commercials.

Print ads can be effective if your target audience is likely to read certain newspapers or magazines.

Direct mail can be cost-effective and target specific people, but the response rate can be low.

Trade shows can be great for introducing your product to potential customers, but they can also be expensive and time-consuming.

Outdoor advertising can reach a large audience quickly, but it can also be expensive and difficult to measure the impact.

2. Digital/Online Marketing Strategies

Digital/online marketing strategies have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the prevalence of digital technology and the ability to reach a larger audience than traditional marketing strategies. Digital/online marketing strategies can be used to target a specific audience and market a product or service more effectively than traditional marketing strategies.

The advantages of digital/online marketing strategies include:

Low cost: Digital/online marketing strategies are typically more affordable than traditional marketing strategies due to the lower cost associated with creating and distributing digital content.

Greater reach: Digital/online marketing strategies allow you to reach a larger audience than traditional marketing strategies.

Increased engagement: Digital/online marketing strategies can be tailored to specific audiences, which can lead to increased engagement and better results.

Measurable results: Digital/online marketing strategies allow you to measure and analyze results in real time, giving you the ability to make adjustments quickly.

Increased flexibility: Digital/online marketing strategies are flexible and can be adapted quickly to changing market conditions.

Disadvantages of digital/online marketing strategies include:

Lack of personalization: Digital/online marketing strategies can be impersonal and lack the personal touch that traditional marketing strategies offer.

Lack of control: Digital/online marketing strategies can be difficult to control, as they can be easily manipulated by competitors and other parties.

Technical difficulties: Digital/online marketing strategies can be difficult to implement and manage due to technical difficulties.

Examples of digital/online marketing strategies

SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is a digital/online marketing strategy that involves optimizing a website for better visibility in search engine results.

Social media: Social media marketing is a digital/online marketing strategy that involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to engage with your target audience.

Paid advertising: Paid advertising on search engines, social media platforms, and other websites is a digital/online marketing strategy that can be used to target specific audiences and generate leads.

Content marketing: Content marketing is a digital/online marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing content such as blogs, videos, and infographics to engage with your target audience.

Email marketing: Email marketing is a digital/online marketing strategy that involves sending emails to a targeted list of subscribers with the goal of generating leads and conversions.

3. Social Media Marketing Strategies

Social media marketing allows you to reach your target audience in a cost-effective and direct way. It is also a great way to engage with your customers on an ongoing basis.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing Strategies

One of the biggest advantages of using social media marketing strategies is that it is a cost-effective way to reach a large number of potential customers. You don’t need to pay for expensive advertising campaigns or radio and television commercials. Instead, you can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram to reach your target audience.

Social media also provides an opportunity to engage directly with your customers. You can post relevant content, respond to questions and comments, and build relationships with your customers. This makes it easier to build trust and loyalty, which can lead to increased sales.

Social media also provides an opportunity to measure results. You can track the performance of your posts and campaigns to see what is working and what isn’t. This allows you to make adjustments and fine-tune your strategy for maximum results.

Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing Strategies

One of the biggest disadvantages of social media marketing is that it can take a lot of time and effort to maintain. You need to create content, respond to comments and questions, and monitor results on a regular basis. This can take up a lot of your time and resources, which could be better spent on other parts of your business.

Another disadvantage is that it can be difficult to measure results. It can be hard to track how many people are seeing your posts and if they are actually taking any action. This makes it difficult to measure your return on investment.

Examples of Social Media Marketing Strategies

One successful social media marketing strategy is to create content that is interesting and engaging. This can include blog posts, videos, and other types of content that can help you reach your target audience.

Another popular strategy is to hold contests and giveaways. This can encourage people to follow your page and enter to win prizes. It also gives you a chance to interact with your followers, which can help build relationships and trust.

Finally, you can use paid advertising on social media platforms. This can be a great way to reach a large number of people in a cost-effective way. You can also target specific demographics, such as age, gender, and location.

4. Relationship Marketing Strategies

When it comes to extended decision-making, relationship marketing strategies can be an effective way to increase customer engagement. The key to making the most of relationship marketing strategies is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the different strategies and to choose the one that best meets your business goals.

Advantages of Relationship Marketing Strategies

One of the biggest advantages of relationship marketing strategies is that they can help to build a strong connection with customers. By offering exclusive discounts and promotions, providing personalized service, and engaging with customers on a regular basis, you can create a lasting relationship that leads to repeat business.

Another advantage of relationship marketing strategies is that they can help to build trust between customers and your business. Customers are more likely to return to your business when they feel that you understand their needs and appreciate their business.

Disadvantages of Relationship Marketing Strategies

While relationship marketing strategies can be very effective, there are also some potential drawbacks. To be successful, you must be willing to invest time and resources into building and maintaining relationships with customers. Additionally, if customers feel that they are not receiving the same level of service or attention that they receive from other businesses, they may become discouraged and shop elsewhere.

Examples of Relationship Marketing Strategies

There are a variety of relationship marketing strategies that businesses can use to build relationships with customers. Some examples of such strategies include:

Providing personalized service: Offering personalized service to customers is a great way to create a connection and establish trust. This can include things like sending personalized emails, offering special discounts, or simply providing excellent customer service.

Offering loyalty programs: Offering loyalty programs and special rewards can be a great way to motivate customers to return to your business.

Engaging through social media: Engaging with customers through social media can be a great way to keep customers connected to your business and build relationships.

Hosting events: Hosting events such as customer appreciation days, special sales events, or product launches can be a great way to engage customers and build relationships.

By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of relationship marketing strategies, you can choose the strategies that best meet your business goals. By building strong relationships with customers, you can ensure that customers will keep coming back for more.


It is clear that there are pros and cons associated with different marketing strategies. However, with the right knowledge and experience, it is possible to make an informed decision and choose the best marketing strategy to achieve success. The recommendations provided in this article have highlighted some key considerations to help guide decision-making when it comes to marketing strategies. By considering the pros and cons of the different marketing strategies and taking into account the specific needs and goals of the business, it is possible to choose the most appropriate marketing strategy for extended decision-making and guarantee success.



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