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HomeBUSINESSInvestment Strategies For Commercial Real Estate

Investment Strategies For Commercial Real Estate

There are a few investment strategies that can boost returns in commercial real estate. These include buy-and-hold and value-add. These models are a good fit for investors who want long-term wealth creation and capital gains. They also work well in areas with strong job growth and infrastructure development.

Another strategy involves opportunistic investments. These are typically lower-quality assets that can be turned into higher-quality assets after redevelopment. This is a riskier strategy that requires significant time and effort to oversee renovations.


A buy-and-hold strategy involves purchasing real estate intended to be held for a long period, often generating rental income. This strategy offers the potential to generate a high return on investment and build wealth over the long term. However, it requires careful analysis of real estate market trends and a strong understanding of the risks associated with buy-and-hold properties with the help of professionals. It also requires a willingness to be a landlord, such as putting up ads for tenants, screening and interviewing applicants, managing rental payments, and tracking property taxes.

A buy-and-hold strategy avoids market timing, a practice that relies on short-term predictions and can lead to significant losses if not accurate. This strategy is a good fit for investors with a long-term investment horizon and a low-risk tolerance. Investors who employ a buy-and-hold strategy should diversify their portfolio to mitigate risk and maximize returns. A portfolio diversified by asset class, industry sector, and geographic region will reduce the impact of individual assets that underperform or have specific risks.


This strategy involves purchasing properties at a low price and making value-added improvements to resell them for a profit. It can yield significant returns in a short period, but it requires careful market research and a good understanding of the local real estate landscape.

It is important to find a team of professionals to help you execute your fix-and-flip investment strategy. This includes real estate agents, contractors, and attorneys. Having a strong team will allow you to make more informed decisions throughout the process and minimize your risk.

The best way to find a deal is to perform periodic market analysis. This will allow you to track changes in property values, neighborhood characteristics, and renovation costs. It will also enable you to make more informed decisions about your property acquisitions and renovations. This will ensure that your profits are maximized. Moreover, it will help you stay focused and avoid chasing the wrong deals.

Core asset

Core investments are stabilized properties fully leased to credit-worthy tenants with long lease terms. They typically have a lower risk profile than other investment strategies and can yield high returns. However, they are more flexible than opportunistic investments and can be exposed to increased risk during economic cycles.

Core-plus real estate is similar to the core but offers a slightly higher return with moderate risk. It consists of property types that are in secondary or tertiary markets and may require light physical improvement or management efficiencies. These property types include entertainment centers, medical offices, student housing, and self-storage spaces.

Investors who invest in Core-plus can expect annualized leveraged returns of 9% – 12%. Unlike Core deals, which typically utilize low leverage, Core-plus investments often use up to 40% debt. This makes them more sensitive to market conditions. This can shorten their expected return if market conditions aren’t ideal.


Commercial real estate investing offers several different investment opportunities, each with varying degrees of risk. It is essential to determine your risk tolerance and desired rate of return before selecting an investment strategy. Various investment approaches can help you diversify your portfolio and reduce the risk of overexposure to a single market.

Value-added investments increase a property’s in-place cash flow by renovating or adding amenities. These improvements can include filling significant tenant vacancies, physically upgrading the building, or repositioning the asset by changing its function. This approach carries more risk than core and core-plus investing, but it can generate higher 




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