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HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGHow to Write a Copywriting Proposal?

How to Write a Copywriting Proposal?

If you’re thinking about hiring someone to write copy for your business, the first thing you need to do is create an effective copywriting proposal to send them. A copywriting proposal will help you find the right writer who fits with your needs and budget, and it will also help your writer understand what you expect from them so they can take on the project with confidence and efficiency. Follow these tips when creating your own copywriting proposal so that you have an effective tool for finding the best writer for your business. Before you can land any copywriting clients, you need to prove your value. But how do you do that? The best way to prove your value is by writing a proposal – a document that details all of your services, fees, time frames and guarantees. This will allow the client to clearly see what they’re paying for, and it will ensure that they have everything they need to decide whether or not they want to work with you and how much they’re willing to pay you to do so. Follow these tips when creating your own copywriting proposal so that you have an effective tool for finding the best writer for your business.

What Is A Copywriting Proposal?

A copywriting proposal is an outline of your proposed work and how it will be completed. It’s important that the client has all the details before they decide if you are the right writer for them. A good proposal should include information about what type of content you will produce, deadlines, turnaround time and more. When you present your ideas in this way, it’s easier for clients to visualize what their end product will look like. It’s also easier for writers to gauge their workload because it helps them know exactly what the client wants from them. Proposals can take on different forms depending on who needs one. If you’re working with another writer or freelance project manager, then it’s likely that they’ll want a proposal as well so that both parties have an understanding of expectations beforehand. But regardless of who needs one, every project should have a detailed set of parameters outlined in writing before beginning work.

The Key Elements of a Copywriting Proposal

  1. Briefly introduce yourself and your company. 
  2. Outline the project, explaining what you are proposing and the terms of your proposal. 
  3. List what you have included with your proposal (i.e., bullets, mockups, samples). 
  4. Include any unique qualifications or credentials that may be pertinent to the project at hand that might not be apparent from your introduction (i.e., experience in related fields). 
  5. Explain how you intend to carry out this project and the timeline for delivery (i.e., monthly milestones, weekly check-ins). 6. State your rate and any other pertinent financial information. 7. Propose when you can start on the project, if necessary 8. Request additional details about scope if necessary 9. Propose when you can start on the project, if necessary 10. Request additional details about scope if necessary

What You Need From The Client Before Writing A Proposal

A copywriter can’t create a successful proposal without understanding the client’s needs. In order to do this, ask for information about: 

– who will be reading the content (target audience) 

– what they need or want from it (purpose) 

– how they’ll be reading it (medium) 

– when they’ll be reading it (timing) 

– where they’ll be reading it (context) – if there are any specific instructions that you should follow in creating the content (objectives) 

– what their budget is and if there are any time constraints for completing the project (budget/deadlines) 

Once you have all of this information, you can start coming up with ideas that match your client’s needs.

What Not To Do When Writing a Copywriting Proposal

Don’t make it too long. If your proposal is more than three pages, you might need to break it up into several shorter sections. One page should be enough if you’re just doing content writing. If you’re pitching some other type of service, two pages may be sufficient.

Don’t sell yourself short. Remember that the person reading this proposal will want to know what they’re getting before they give you money, so don’t forget to include any relevant information about your qualifications or experience in the first paragraph or two of the document, including how long and what types of projects you’ve completed in the past. If you haven’t done many projects like this before, start by saying something like I’m not an expert on but I do have an excellent track record on Or go into detail about how much time and effort you put into researching solutions for those problems. 

Don’t forget to mention all of your credentials near the beginning of your proposal–especially if there are specific qualifications that are required for the project.

Terms and conditions

We are open for proposals and appreciate any work done in advance. We will pay for all accepted proposals, but we do not accept any material beforehand. All rights of your work remain with you. If you plan on working on more than one project, please submit a separate form for each project. If there is no response within 7 days after submission, then your idea is declined or not accepted and we apologize if it was one of the few that were considered suitable by us at the time. You can also make contact with us anytime to know whether your ideas were approved. 

There’s still a lot left unsaid about how to write a copywriting proposal so here’s what you need to know: 

– Read up on who we are as an agency and what our values mean (if they don’t already line up with yours).

– Take into account where our target audience is coming from and what our strategy is for reaching them. 

– Figure out which channels (e.g., social media) best fit our objectives and have the most potential impact; focus less on those which may seem appealing but actually might not be useful given our target audience.

Next steps

  1. What are you selling? Be specific and clear. What is the product or service? Who is it for? How will it make your customers’ lives better? Where will they use it?
  2. Who is your customer and why should they care about what you’re selling them? What are their needs, problems, and desires that we have solved with this product or service?
  3. What’s our USP (Unique Selling Proposition)? 
  4. Why should the customer choose you over anyone else in the industry providing similar products or services (i.e., your competitors)?


The purpose of this essay is to help outline the process for writing a professional and effective copywriting proposal. As you can see, there are many points that need to be addressed. That said, if you have these details in hand, it should be relatively easy for you to make sure that your proposal meets the expectations of your potential client. And if it does not, then you will know before sending off your first draft. Once you’ve received their feedback, simply go back and revise accordingly. When it comes time to send them your final draft, always take the time to check over everything one last time. For example, double-check the contact information on any emails or documents you might be attaching. Make sure all links work properly and that any hyperlinks lead where they’re supposed to. Lastly, give yourself enough time so as not to rush through the task at hand and miss something important. If possible, ask someone else – preferably someone who has never seen what you’re working on -to take a look over your final product as well just in case they spot something that’s wrong with your writing too.



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