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HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGHow Much to Charge for Email Copywriting?

How Much to Charge for Email Copywriting?

Email copywriting, like any other type of writing, needs to be done by people who know what they’re doing. But how much should you charge? How do you figure out your prices? There are so many different factors that go into pricing your services—your experience level, your location, the length of the email copywriting project, etc.—that it can get confusing pretty fast, especially if this is your first time offering this service to clients. As an email copywriter, you’re in the business of writing effective, persuasive copy that gets readers to do exactly what you want them to do. But how much should you charge to write emails, and how can you make sure you’re charging the right price? 

What is Your Experience Level?

I’m the owner of a successful marketing and communications consulting firm, meaning I’ve been in this industry for over 20 years. So, I have some experience in what’s involved with running my own company. In the course of my career, I’ve learned that asking too little is a sure-fire way to never make any money and it puts you at risk of not being able to pay your bills. On the other hand, when you’re just starting out, you’ll need more time before you can charge as much as someone who has been at it longer. Generally speaking, if you’re a beginner in a creative field like writing or design, then it will take anywhere from two-three years before your work is worth paying for. However, there are exceptions: designers might be able to get clients early on because they can help their clients come up with fresh ideas; writers might be able to produce content faster than most people. It really depends on what your niche is and how much experience you have in that area. If you know for a fact that there’s demand for your work–just go ahead and ask around about how much freelancers are charging for similar jobs.

What is Your Time Worth Per Hour?

The average rate for a freelance writer ranges from $30-$100 per hour. This all depends on your expertise, experience and the time it takes you to research, write, edit and send a single email. For example, I usually spend about one hour researching an industry and making sure my customer’s content is aligned with their own marketing strategy. Once the draft is complete I spend another 45 minutes editing before sending it off to the client. So in total that would be around 2 hours of work at $50 per hour. A good rule of thumb is that if you’re spending more than 10 hours on a project then you should be charging double your hourly rate as well as any additional costs such as travel expenses or outsourced help like designers or editors. It may seem unfair, but freelancers need to make money too! That said, many will agree that when the workload is high they deserve compensation accordingly so long as they can get enough work lined up.

How Much Do You charge to Write an Email?

Price your services based on the following factors: 

– The experience and expertise of the writer. Some writers have more qualifications and experience than others, so you’ll need to adjust your rates accordingly. 

– The level of detail you plan on including in each email. A longer message will require more time, so it’s best to factor that into how much you’re charging. 

– The urgency of the message and how quickly it needs to be delivered. If a deadline is coming up or if there’s an event like Black Friday approaching, this will affect how quickly you’ll need to work on the project and how fast it will need to be delivered, which also affects your price. 

– Your pricing structure. How do you want clients/customers to pay? Once they’ve agreed to hire you, do they pay by the hour or by a flat fee? Make sure your pricing structure reflects what kind of payment method(s) you accept. For example, if customers are paying by the hour then they should know ahead of time how many hours they’ll be billed for before agreeing to work with you. 

Once you’ve written out your prices and put them in an organized list, make sure to update it periodically so you can keep track of any changes that occur.

What is the Scope of The Project?

Email copywriting can be an effective tactic in any company’s marketing strategy, whether you have a large budget or not. In order to get the most out of your money, it is important that you know what sort of budget you have before selecting a writer. For example, if your budget is $1,000, then you will want to find someone who charges at least this amount. 

There are many factors that affect pricing for email copywriters such as experience, location and word count. Your geographical location will play a big role in determining which price range you need to choose from. If you are looking for someone local, then prices may start around $30 per hour with experience varying greatly depending on where they live (for example, San Francisco). However, if you need someone from another country and don’t have time constraints then prices may be closer to $25 per hour with rates again varying based on the number of years’ worth of professional experience the copywriter has under their belt. What’s more is that rates could fluctuate depending on what other services they offer such as video or photography editing which might take away from their time writing.


Email marketing is a powerful way to connect with your audience and generate leads. It’s also one of the cheapest forms of advertising out there. The good news is that you can set your own rate and be in control of how much you charge, but the bad news is that it’s hard to know what the market will bear. The best way to find out what others are charging for their services is by checking out sites like Contently or Upwork. To calculate how much you should be charging, start by estimating your hourly rate (most professionals charge around $50 an hour) and then take into account these factors: 

1. How many hours will this project take? Most projects range from 10-20 hours worth of work; if yours falls outside this range, increase the estimate based on whichever number is closer to 20. 2. What does this person want from me? If they’re looking for lots of feedback about changes or edits before anything goes live, add at least 10% more time to the total estimated time needed 3. Am I working on something else at the same time?



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