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HomeBUSINESSHow Shopify Outfoxed Amazon?

How Shopify Outfoxed Amazon?

Amazon and Shopify are two of the most influential online retailers in the world. While both companies made it big, each of them took an approach to do so that contrasted with one another. In this article, we’ll compare and contrast Amazon and Shopify from their founding in 1994 to the present day, pointing out how each company used its own unique strategies to succeed in today’s increasingly competitive digital marketplace. We’ll also break down what these two giants have in common, as well as how they differ from one another. Have you ever wondered how Shopify managed to outfox Amazon? After all, it’s no secret that the online shopping market is controlled by the latter – and according to industry experts, Amazon isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, at the same time, many have also noted that there are several flaws in Amazon’s marketplace that could potentially be exploited by other e-commerce giants… like Shopify, for instance. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at Shopify and its potential to give Amazon a run for its money.


Shopify is a software company that allows entrepreneurs to set up their own online store in as little as five minutes. Shopify has many different features for business owners, including features for inventory management, tax calculation, shipping rates and fraud protection. The company also offers a suite of professional services including marketing help, fraud prevention training and 24/7 customer service. They also have an app store with over 500 apps that are compatible with the platform. Shopify gives entrepreneurs the freedom to be their own boss without worrying about all the logistics of running a business. One example of this is when Amazon announced plans to increase its monthly Prime membership from $10.99 to $12.99 – and increase the annual membership fee from $99 to $119 – effective May 11, 2019. 

Shopify took advantage of this change by offering entrepreneurs a discount on their annual subscription if they switched before May 10th: Switching your Prime Exclusive plan will save you money! You can save 12% or more on your annual subscription by switching before 11:59pm ET on Sunday May 10th. 

This shows that while Shopify may not compete directly with Amazon’s e-commerce marketplace they’re ready when opportunities arise such as Amazon increasing its membership fees in order to offer savings on subscriptions through Shopify instead.

How Shopify managed to outfox Amazon? 

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that lets you set up your own online store in minutes. It has a drag and drop interface, so it’s easy to use even if you’re not a tech wizard. Plus, the Shopify system is more secure than other platforms, which means that your customers’ data is safer. So how did Shopify manage to outfox Amazon? The answer comes down to three things: price, features and speed. When it comes to price, Shopify offers a much cheaper monthly rate than Amazon Web Services (AWS), which means that smaller businesses can get off the ground for less money. It also provides additional tools like credit card processing, customizable checkout pages and shipping options. There are fewer tools offered by AWS, and they don’t come with the same level of security as those offered by Shopify. Lastly, when it comes to speed, there’s no comparison between AWS and Shopify. For example, this year there was a major outage on one of AWS’s largest S3 storage sites in Northern Virginia. That led to widespread service disruption for many of their customers–but nothing happened with Shopify. And since everything happens on its servers instead of third party providers like Amazon or Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure Data Center – this will never happen with them either!

Shopify’s Advantages Over Amazon

Shopify has a few advantages over Amazon. First, Shopify has a much more intuitive interface than Amazon’s webstore. Second, Shopify has a wide range of third-party apps and extensions to choose from. Third, Shopify is specifically geared towards entrepreneurs and small businesses – which means it’s easier for these users to set up an online store quickly and easily. Fourth, Shopify offers more payment options than Amazon (e.g., PayPal). Fifth, the monthly fee for using Shopify is less expensive than the monthly fee for using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Sixth, Shopify offers live customer service that can be accessed through email or phone call – whereas Amazon does not have any customer service features at all! Seventh, unlike Amazon, Shopify allows merchants to install their own SSL certificate on their website without needing to pay a third party. Eighth, Shopify integrates with many ecommerce solutions such as POS systems and accounting software. Ninth, if you want your site translated into another language – like Spanish – then you would need to use an app on Amazon; but on Shopify there are no restrictions on languages offered. Finally, when customers checkout they are redirected to a secure webpage that ensures their information will be kept safe during the transaction process because it automatically encrypts credit card numbers and passwords before transmitting them.

Shopify’s Disadvantages Against Amazon

Shopify is a great company, but it has some disadvantages. First, it’s less well-known than Amazon. Second, the fees are higher. Third, you can’t sell on Facebook and Instagram with Shopify. Fourth, its marketing isn’t as strong as Amazons’. And lastly, they don’t have a monthly option like Amazon does for its Prime memberships. The thing that sets Shopify apart from Amazon is that they allow merchants to sell anything while not restricting them to certain products like Amazon does. They also offer merchant credit cards, which means that the risk of fraud is reduced because customers use their own cards when paying instead of using their bank accounts or PayPal. 

Shopify offers 24/7 customer service through chat or email so that merchants can solve issues quickly and easily without any worry of being ignored or abandoned by customer service representatives. They also offer fast integration with major eCommerce providers such as Oberlo, Volusion, Bigcommerce, PrestaShop, and Magento so that there are no limits to what a business can accomplish when selling products online with Shopify! All in all, Shopify is a worthy competitor to Amazon and really anyone else who sells products online.


When Amazon first came onto the scene, it was only a bookstore. Fast forward to 2019 and Amazon is now an international powerhouse that has conquered the world of retail. But in 2016, they were bought by Jeff Bezos and had one major competitor: Shopify. 

Shopify is an e-commerce software provider headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. They specialize in providing physical goods retailers with everything they need to create their own online stores. Originally founded in 2004 by Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake as a web design company called Snowy Owl Design Inc., Shopify is now worth over $4 billion dollars USD with over 500,000 paying clients worldwide who are using Shopify to sell their products on the internet.



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