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HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGHow Can You Refine Your Content Distribution Strategy HubSpot Answer

How Can You Refine Your Content Distribution Strategy HubSpot Answer

Content distribution strategy is the most important part of your inbound marketing strategy. The more content you can get out there, the better it will be at helping you achieve your business goals. What happens when you find that your content distribution strategy isn’t working as well as you’d like it to? That’s what today’s HubSpot Answers question is about! Here’s how our experts answered it and their best advice for refining your content distribution strategy.

Make a List of Your Objectives

It seems like a lot of people are looking for ways to distribute their content and make it more visible. It may seem daunting, but there are some simple things that we can do to get started.

1) Write a blog post with an engaging headline and optimized title tags so it will show up on Google search engine results pages (SERPs). 

2) Share the blog post on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, or submit it to industry-specific blogs or publications. 

3) Write articles for popular sites in your industry and offer them as guest posts. 

4) Create a video version of the blog post, upload it to YouTube, and share it on social media channels like Facebook or LinkedIn. 

5) Publish your content on niche-specific websites and forums where potential customers might be searching for answers. 

6) Engage in discussions by commenting on relevant blogs or forums. Doing this demonstrates that you’re knowledgeable about the topic at hand, while simultaneously driving traffic back to your site through links within those comments.

Know Your Audience

HubSpot says that the most important thing is to know your audience. You should have a clear understanding of what they want, how they consume information and what their limitations are (e.g., time). The second most important thing is to speak directly to them by using their language, tone, and style. Next, give them all of the information they need in an organized way so that they don’t have to spend too much time searching for it. Finally, be sure that all of the links are active and easy to navigate with relevant images and captions.

Develop a Distribution Schedule

Distribution is all about putting in the work to reach more people. When it comes to developing a distribution schedule, think of it as a marketing roadmap. One way to do this is by using the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of your time should be spent creating and sharing content, while 20% of your time should go towards distributing it on different channels. However, if you have limited resources and capacity, then allocate 60% of your time for production and 40% for distribution.

 For example, spend an hour on producing content and then spend 15 minutes going over your distribution plan for that day. Spend another hour working on your next piece of content before moving back to distribution again.

Create Types of Content for Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

– Awareness: The goal of this type of content is to introduce the brand and the product. It should be informative, interesting, and believable.

– Consideration: This type of content is geared to those who are still exploring different options but have a general idea of what they are looking for. It should give them more information on what they need while still leaving them with enough questions to keep them interested. 

– Decision: At this point in the journey, people know what they want and are just looking for a way to get it. Their consideration has narrowed down to just a few choices and they are now deciding which one is best for their needs based on price or other factors that are important to them. These articles will likely include reviews of products from various sources as well as articles on pricing. 

The final stage, decision, is where people are ready to make the purchase. Here buyers are asking questions about when they’ll receive their purchase or how easy it is to return something if needed. These articles will help customers find out all the details they need before making a purchase so there’s no second guessing once the purchase has been made.

Promote Your Content on Social Media

There are many ways to distribute your content online and in some cases, it’s best to integrate them all. If you want to share links on social media but also have a blog or website that could promote the same message, it’s a good idea to post the link on both. This way, not only will someone visiting the site be more likely to click the link if they see it posted on their feed, but they may decide to share it with others as well. 

If you want people who follow you on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to also read your blog posts or visit your website, there are easy ways of doing this. One way is by posting links in each of these places that lead back to each other.

Use Email to Distribute Your Content

Your email list is one of the most valuable assets that you have for getting the word out about your product. Here are some ways to get people on it: 

-Put a call to action at the end of all of your blog posts, asking readers to sign up for your email newsletter. 

-Offer a free piece of content in exchange for an email address. For example, create an ebook and give it away in exchange for a reader’s email address. -Create a lead magnet that is related to one of your products or services, with which readers will sign up for updates about that product or service by providing their contact info and their e-mail address.

Repurpose Your Content

In order to create and distribute a successful content marketing campaign, you have to consider your target audience. This means understanding who they are, what they need from the products or services being offered and how they like to consume information. The key is in knowing where to focus your efforts.

Start with where people spend the most time online: social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These are great places for sharing updates about company news, upcoming events or promotions. Make sure that you’re not only posting about yourself but also engaging with others in the online community – this way people will feel more comfortable following and trusting your page instead of feeling like it’s just a one-sided advertisement.


I hope this post has helped you learn more about how to implement a successful content marketing strategy for your company. Remember that each company is different and has different needs, so make sure you don’t forget to take these into account when crafting your plan.



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