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HomeGENERALHow Do I Win a Slip-and-Fall Case?

How Do I Win a Slip-and-Fall Case?

Slips and falls are the most common cause of workplace injuries. The amount of compensation for such accidents varies based on the percentage of fault assigned to each party. Victims who sustain injuries following a slip and fall accident should follow the listed steps to craft a strong case for a fair settlement.

Prove the Fall Causes Your Injuries

Victims who sustain injuries after a slip-and-fall accident on another person’s property can sue the property owner for their injuries. If you’re filing a case involving a personal injury, you need to prove that your injuries are due to the outcome of the fall. Medical documentation and those from your physician can help link your injuries to the slip and fall incident, enabling you to craft a strong case against the liable party. Ask your doctor to provide you with a letter detailing how your injuries are attributed to the fall, and contact the slip and fall lawyers at Redemption Law to help you file a lawsuit on your behalf as you recuperate.

Prove That the Property Owner Had Notice

The easier part of a slip and fall case is proving that a hazardous condition existed. Video, pictures, and witness testimony will confirm the existence of a hazard that leads to a slip and fall.

  • Video surveillance: Most businesses nowadays have surveillance cameras that monitor the property in real-time. The video helps reveal how long a dangerous condition existed on the property. Victims who think the surveillance video can reveal their fall on the property can request the footage immediately before the evidence vanishes.
  • Witness testimony: If someone else, including another customer and an employee, knows how long the hazardous condition has existed and states it on record, your attorney can use it to establish that the property owner had notice.
  • Other incident reports: Most businesses maintain a record of falls and slips which happen on their premises. Incident reports detail what happened, the person who witnessed the accident, and how the incident occurred. This report provides clues regarding how long the hazard may have existed on the property.

Statute of Limitations in Slips and Fall Cases

The statute of limitations details the time you have to file a claim following an accident. The deadline for a premises liability suit varies depending on your state of residence. Typically, most states provide victims of a slip and fall case with three or two years from the time of the accident. Some laws allow victims to file a claim within a period of four years after the incident. Victims should initiate the filing process immediately to minimize the possibility of missing out on the deadline. Hire a personal injury attorney who’s familiar with state laws to guide you aside from filling in the necessary paperwork.

Timing Is Crucial

The element of time is critical following a slip and fall incident. Suppose the owner of the premise where the accident occurred had adequate time to address the hazardous conditions but failed. In that case, you can prove it with the assistance of a reliable personal injury attorney to improve your chances of winning your case. In contrast, if a hazardous condition presents itself moments before the slip and fall incident, holding the premises owner accountable for your injuries is unreasonable.

Work with a seasoned attorney when filing a slip-and-fall claim. A knowledgeable attorney helps you establish liability, negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance company, establish a value for your losses and injuries, and pursue a fair compensation amount on your behalf. If you fail to secure a fair settlement, your lawyer will represent you in court during the trial.



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